The following is information I found useful/interesting regarding Wicca.
DEFINITION"When one defines oneself as Pagan, it means she or he follows an earth or nature religion, one that sees the divine manifest in all creation. The cycles of nature are our holy days, the earth is our temple, its plants and creatures our partners and teachers. We worship a deity that is both male and female, a mother Goddess and father God, who together created all that is, was, or will be. We respect life, cherish the free will of sentient beings, and accept the sacredness of all creation." Edain McCoy AND SABBATSREASONS FOR GROWTHWicca and other Neopagan religions are currently experiencing a rapid growth in the U.S., Canada, and Europe. This is seen particularly among some teenagers, who are rejecting what they feel is the autocracy, paternalism, sexism, homophobia, and insensitivity to the environment that forms part of some more traditional religions. Many North Americans of European descent, who are keen to discover their ancestral heritage, are also attracted to this religion. OF GOD(S), IF ANYDepending upon one's point of view, Wicca can be considered a monotheistic, duotheistic, polytheistic, or atheistic religion:
Wicca is monotheistic: Some Wiccans recognize a single supreme being, sometimes called "The All" or "The One." The Goddess and God are viewed as the female and male aspects of this single deity.
Wicca is duotheistic (a.k.a. rarely as bitheistic): Wiccans often worship a female Goddess and a male God., often called the Lady and Lord.
Wicca is polytheistic: Wiccans recognize the existence of many ancient Gods and Goddesses, including Pan, Diana, Dionysius, Fergus, etc.
Wicca is atheistic: Some Wiccans view the God and Goddess as symbols, not living entities. Depending upon which definition of the term "Atheist" that you adopt, these Wiccans may be considered Atheists. Most Wiccans practice magick. However, some do not and concentrate on the spirituality of the Wiccan religion. AND SATANISM:"It seems to be necessary to preface every discussion of Witchcraft with an explanation that, no, Neo-Pagan Witches aren't Satanists. The Christian anti-God, Satan, has no place in Pagan pantheons, either mythologically or theologically." 1
Because of extensive religious propaganda dating from the late Middle Ages, Wicca has often been linked to Satanism. Wiccan beliefs and practices are no closer to Satanism than they are to Buddhism, Hinduism, or Islam. In fact, Wiccans do not recognize the existence of an all-evil supernatural being similar to the quasi-deity Satan. He is found mainly in Christianity and Islam.
However, there are three superficial points of similarity between Satanism and Wicca:
Both use a five pointed star as a symbol. Satanists align it so that two points are upwards. Wiccans orient their star with two points downwards, except in special cases.
Both generally perform their religious rituals within a circle marked on the floor or ground.
Most Wiccans and Satanists engage in magick; however, Wiccans are limited to non-manipulative, consensual, positive magick.
It is also important to realize that some conservative Christians consider all non-Judeo-Christian religions to be Satanic. They believe that when followers of these religions worship their Gods and Goddesses, they are really worshipping Satan and/or his demons. For this reason, they consider Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, Wicca, and hundreds of other religions to be either Satanism or inspired by Satan. see ABOUT WICCAWhat is Wicca?
Who are the Goddess and God in Wicca?
How do Wiccans worship the God and Goddess?
Is Wicca a form of Satanism?
Is Wicca a form of Paganism?
Do Wiccans have rituals like communion, baptism, etc?
What do Wiccan rituals involve?
What does being a Wiccan involve?
How can I do a spell to make someone love me?
How does Wicca differ from Christianity?
Should I become a Wiccan?
How to I make contact with other Wiccans?For answers to these you can check out TO AND FROMThey have no missionary program. (Found in: "How to Share the Gospel with Pagans") OPPRESSION"An essay for school teachers about Paganism" again, if anyone has more information that they are willing to share, please leave me a comment.